At Scripps, we always care about the health and safety of our patients, but never more so than now. With extra precautions in place, we welcome you back for all your health care needs — including primary, specialty and emergency care. Scripps is here for you.

Caring for you during COVID-19

At Scripps, your health and safety are our top priorities. We have put specific safety measures in place to keep our patients, staff and visitors safe against COVID-19.

We’ve worked hard to address specific safety measures at Scripps, including curbside check-in, our no-visitor policy, separating COVID-19 patients and more.

How we are keeping you safe

To make sure you get care safely, we are taking the following precautions:

  • Screenings for everyone entering our facilities
  • Required face coverings for all physicians, staff and patients
  • Curbside check-in option and social distancing in waiting rooms
  • Rigorous cleaning and disinfection for all facilities and equipment
  • Dedicated entrance and isolated zones for patients with coronavirus symptoms
  • Limited visitors to all our facilities

Scripps Mercy Surgery Pavilion

Top Quality Surgeons
Alan Westeren
Alayna Puccinelli
Alexander Zabaneh
Alisa Williams
Andrew Cu-Unjieng